大日本居合道連盟 千葉支部 - 無 限 塾

TOP News&Topics 居合とは 無限塾 年間行事 経費・道具 稽古日程 アクセス お問い合せ

  1. 刀を大事に取扱うこと。
  2. 刀の目釘を常々よく確かめおくこと。
  3. 刀の取扱い・下緒さばき等、作法通り正しく行うこと。
  4. 練習に際しては先ず道場を清潔にし、折目正しい服装で修業すること。
  5. 道場内の座位・序列は常に先輩順である。
  6. 上座に向かい・又は上座を右にして抜刀せぬこと。上座を左方にして演武すること。
  7. 一切は敵に対する動作であること。
  8. 膝を床につくも手をつくも左より先にし、上げる時は右から先にする。
  9. 帯刀した時は太刀の柄頭は体の中央前、納刀した時は鍔が体の中央前にあること。
  10. 柄の握り方は縁金をよけて右手をかけ、右手小指から指二本の間隔で左手を握ること。(八寸柄)
  11. 初心の間は十分落ち着いて業を大きく、のびのびとゆっくり、業と業との間に区切りを作って行い、素早く一連に行わぬこと。
  12. 業は一動作毎に気魄と気力の締まりある事を要する。熟練するに従い、業の間を詰めるよう心懸けること。
  13. 歩行しての動作中は両爪先は軽く浮かす心(踵もこの心)にて踏み、前後に踏み開いた時の後足の踵はあまり高く上げぬこと。
  14. 抜刀・納刀共に鞘手(左手)を十分に働かすこと。
  15. 表の働きは裏の力、眼に見える所の働きは見えぬ力の表現である。道の修養の根幹は、表に現れぬ所に着眼して内の正しい働きの完成を期する修養であること。
  16. 息を吐く時の心身の体は実、息を吸い込む時の心身の体は虚である。動作中、虚・実・業と業との呼吸の間を覚えること。
  17. 刀に使われてはならない。自分の体を元として刀を使うこと。
  18. 足至り・体至り・刀至るの順を誤らぬこと。
  19. 抜がけから最後の斬下しまで、その運剣は渋滞してはならぬ。(水の流れる様に)
  20. どんな場合でも残心を忘れてはならない。特に斬り下して、血振るい・納刀・終わって元の位置に戻るまで、残心を怠らないこと。

Twenty Rules for Beginners
  1. Handle your sword with respect.
  2. Carefully check your sword’s mekugi at all times.
  3. Handle your sword and its cord correctly in accordance with the proper etiquette.
  4. Clean the dojo before practice, and when practicing wear neatly pressed clothing.
  5. Seating and rank within the dojo are always in order of seniority.
  6. Never draw your sword in the direction of the kamiza or with the kamiza to your right. Always practice with the kamiza to your left.
  7. Consider all movements to be directed at a foe.
  8. Place your left knee or hand on the floor before your right, and raise your right knee or hand before your left.
  9. When you wear your sword, the tsukagashira should be positioned in front of the centerline of your body. After you sheath your sword, the tsuba should be positioned in front of the centerline of your body.
  10. When gripping the hilt, place your right hand on it without touching the fuchigane, and hold your left hand two finger widths apart from the little finger of your right hand.
  11. While still a novice, relax fully and perform each waza slowly, naturally, and with large movements, clearly demarcating each waza from the next. Do not perform them rapidly in a single sequence.
  12. Performing waza requires concentrating all your energy and willpower on each movement. As you become more experienced, try to shorten the intervals between waza.
  13. When walking during waza, place your feet on the floor with the tips of your toes (as well as your heels) slightly raised. When standing with one leg forward and one leg behind, do not raise the heel of your rear leg too far off the floor.
  14. Make full use of your sheath hand (left hand) both when drawing and when sheathing your sword.
  15. Outward action manifests inner energy; movements the eye can see are an expression of unseen power. Mastering the Way requires focusing primarily what is below the surface and perfecting the action of inner self.
  16. When you breathe out, your mind and body are in a state of jitsu or fullness; when you breathe in, they are in a state of kyo or emptiness. As you move from one waza to the next, be conscious of how your breathing shifts between the states of kyo and jitsu.
  17. Do not let your sword use you. Use your sword as an extension of your body.
  18. Remember: First the feet, then the body, and finally the sword. Do not get them in the wrong order.
  19. Do not hesitate at any point from the drawing of your sword until the final downward cut.
  20. Under no circumstances must you forget zanshin.* Be especially careful not to let your zanshin flag after you perform the downward cut, as you flip the blood from the blade, sheath your sword, and finally return to your original position.

*Zanshin means the state of remaining vigilant after completing a series of waza, even as you relax and let your energy subside.

居合概説 正統系譜 居合種目 初心心得 名札仕様